Reunification Rocked!

Reunification_Edited.JPG_resized What can we say about our first show in three years? It was fun! We rocked! We discovered we could put on a halfway-decent performance with only two rehearsals! Yes, things were far from perfect... Ryan's bass was blasting so loudly in the stage monitors that Elliott and Fred could hardly hear themselves... Fred's multi-effects guitar pedal was possessed by gremlins seemingly bent on sabotaging the show at every turn (even managing to turn the thing off in the middle of a song, rendering Fred's guitar mute)... Fred momentarily forgot the pre-chorus chords to "Oxymorons".... Yet, despite all of the little mishaps and mistakes, we simply had a blast being together on stage again. Truly, reunification rocked! Before we recall the set list for posterity and thank our audience members, we first need to send out a huge "thank you!" to Mike Boudreaux for booking us at Red Eyed Fly. Thank you so much, Mike! We really had a great time! We also have to thank Chuck, the house sound engineer. Thanks, man! The folks who came out to see us said you made us sound great! So, what did we play for our first live show in three years? Well, the set list was "Jazz Gone Wrong," "Oxmorons," "Anywhere," "Some Wounds," "Pulverize," "Hope," and "Equiliberation." Happily, we got through all of them in 45 minutes! None of them were 100% perfect, but they ALL rocked! Now, we must thank our audience members for coming and sharing in the fun (actually, we should say, "we must thank our audience members for coming and making the fun possible," since playing for no one is NO fun). So, from the bottom of our accessively rocking hearts, thank you Rick, Taylor, Paige, Morgan, Liz, Tim, and Ed! Taylor Ash deserves even more thanks because he filmed the whole show for us! So, thank you, again, Taylor! Fred is already working on getting some of the video online so that those of you who could not make it to Austin will have a chance to experience Equiliberation, too! When the night was over, Fred, Elliott, and Ryan agreed that the most significant truth we gleaned from the show was that we could pull off a 45-minute set with only two rehearsals after a three year hiatus. We also agreed that our ability to perform with so little rehearsal meant we should start planning to play shows whenever we are all in Texas. Therefore, Equiliberation's next performance might be at Thanksgiving or Christmas instead of a year from now. So, start checking this website more frequently, because your next chance to experience Equiliberation might be sooner than you'd think!